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Staff Wellbeing

"Children are always watching so we are always teaching"

Mental health is the biggest cause of sickness absence with many others suffering in the workplace and we could all do to improve our wellbeing to some extent. Yoginis are keen to help people to understand their own mental health, to provide tips and tools to improve wellbeing and for people to understand when they need help. 

We have found that when people understand why something is good for them they are more likely to make changes which improve their wellbeing and if these are changes that they have identified as being achievable and suitable for their lifestyle, it is all the more likely that these will be permanent. For this reason we always educate and involve.

One of the best ways to increase wellbeing, is through kindness, it is the secret to happiness. You can download some free resources to use in your organisation and we also offer CPD certified training which you can purchase and deliver in house.

A great place to start is with the NHS 5 steps to wellbeing, our 5 workshop series explores each of these steps with fun, interactive activities and information to embed good mental health and wellbeing.

"If we want Happy, Healthy, Content Children we have to set the lead in manifesting this. If we lead the way, the children will follow"

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